BLS Swimmer Central 2024
Swimmer and Boater Info Sheets & Map
Key information for race day, including timing, waypoints, and rules.
Safety Info
Safety Meeting
It is mandatory that all swimmers and swimmers’ crew attend one of two safety meetings in which our Safety Director, Kellie, will review the course, rules of the swim, safety and emergency protocol, and answer any questions you have. We also encourage all boaters to attend, or review the recording.
Both live safety meetings have passed. Click below to be taken to the video recording on Youtube.
This document provides safety guidelines and procedures for the organizers, officials, boaters and others involved in the 2024 Boston Light Swim. Safety Protocol
MOWSA’s rules are largely the same as the widely accepted Rules of Marathon Swimming as detailed by the Marathon Swimmers Federation to govern unassisted open water marathon swims. A major exception is our Shark Protocol. This protocol will be in force during all cross Cape Cod Bay swims and will come into force if a shark is spotted during any other solo or group swim. Shark Protocol
Swimmer-Boater Matches and other Info
The following table will be used by BLS race officials to aggregate information on swimmer and boater assignments, as well as tracking swimmer tasks such as providing crew information, bios, course tour reservations and more as we get closer to race day. Instructions allows your friends and family on land or back home to follow along with your swim from their computers or smartphones, and also helps us track you during the event.
The system is easy to use. Follow the setup instructions below, turn on your tracker on your boat a few minutes prior to the start of your wave, and the magic of technology will update your position on the map every minute during the swim!
Here’s what you’ll need to do:
Register at the Google Form here. Don’t go to the main website or pay; the fee for the system is covered by your race entry.
Setup your mobile phone with instructions here:
Test the configuration at:
For relay teams, please note that only one person on your team should set up the tracker.
Please register your individual or team device by August 1st.
Remember to turn on your tracker after you make it to the Light and before the race begins. Spectators will be able to watch you and other participants with active trackers move along the course at from their computer or mobile device.
Swimmer Task List
There are 6 tasks to complete before race day regarding your boat, your crew, sharing a bio, making dinner reservations, attending our safety briefing and setting up the tracker for race day. We appreciate you working to complete the tasks by the due dates provided so that we can organize appropriately with the information provided.
Due April 30, 2024: Confirm Boat - complete form here DONE!
(Optional) May 31, 2024: Submit Bio - complete form and upload picture here DONE!
Due June 30, 2024: Provide Crew Info - complete form here DONE!
Due July 15, 2024: Provide Dietary Restrictions and RSVP for Dinner - complete form here
(Optional) Due July 31, 2024: Reserve Course Tour - form here
Due August 1, 2024: Set up tracker - information below
Due August 6, 2024: Attend Safety Meeting (on Aug 2nd or 6th) - information below
All of the tasks will be tracked on the spreadsheet below. Please note that this tracking is manual, so may be a day or two behind.
Swimmer Message Archive
Recap of the 2024 event, thoughts on next year, and thank you to all.
Sent to swimmers, boaters, and crew via email, this message contains the link to the safety meeting, a note on marine life and the weather, race day tips, and spectating info.
Sent to swimmers, boaters, and crew, this email is chock full of information. Details include the event schedule, race day logistics and parking, swimmer wave assignments, race rules, course description, the post-swim celebration, and info for spectators.
Information on the mandatory safety meeting and pre-race dinner.
MassOpenWater: Last chance for BLS course tours on Thu 8/8 @ 2pm before the dinner! RSVP for your spot by EOD 7/31:
Info on the upcoming mandatory safety meetings, setup, course tours, the pre-race dinner, and more.
[Sent via SMS to all BLS solo swimmers and relay captains on July 9, 2024]
MassOpenWater: BLS Info Sheets are up: Have you completed your tasks, yet? Send us your bio and crew info now!
[Sent via SMS to all BLS solo swimmers and relay captains on April 28, 2024]
MassOpenWater: BLS swimmers, check out "Swimmer Central" and send us your boat, bio and crew info!
“MassOpenWater: Welcome BLS 2024 Swimmers! A brief message from Boston Light Swim: More info to come soon!”
Welcome message from BLS Race Director, Mina Elnaccash with info on boats and more to come. Click to View the Video and Transcript here.
As more messages are sent out to 2024 BLS swimmers, they will be archived here.
Stay tuned!
Countdown to BLS
Contact Info
Can’t find what you’re looking for in FAQs or swimmer emails? Contact us at one of the mailboxes below.
For general BLS info:
Regarding boats and boat pilots:
Regarding volunteers and volunteering:
Regarding sponsors and sponsorship opportunities:
About other MOWSA swims or activities: