MOWSA currently offers several solo, sanctioned swims that challenge marathon swimmers over long distances in cold water.
Nantasket to Nahant (N2N) – 8.3 miles (13.36 KM)
Nantasket to Nahant and BACK (N2N2N) 16.6 miles (26.7 km)
NANTAsKET Beach, Hull to Great Ledge Beach, Nahant
This course was dreamed up by Helen Lin. MOWSA worked with Helen researching and planning the course. Helen successfully made the first crossing on September 7, 2015. The course is 8.3-miles and cuts right across the mouth of Boston Harbor, passing Graves Light about halfway across. Helen set the bar for this swim high by making a double crossing (16.6 miles) in the first attempt!
What to expect
Water Temperature: 58 to 70 degrees F
Tides: The tides run perpendicular to the course and do not affect the start time. A light current runs down the coast from the north that may be against the swimmer if you start at Nantasket Beach in Hull.
Weather: Anticipate ocean swells, wind, waves, and overcast skies. The bay can be like glass or you may get four-foot swells. This is New England; expect it all.
Swimmer notes: The swim starts from the northern end of sandy Nantasket Beach in Hull. The finish is on a pebble beach at Great Ledge in Nahant. The water temperature is coldest near Graves Light. The course crosses the mouth of Boston Harbor and a major shipping lane. The swimmer may have to yield to shipping traffic. You'll be in the open ocean for the duration of the swim, so expect to encounter marine life.
Dates with favorable tides in 2025: MOWSA has identified the following dates as being amenable to a N2N attempt one-way (some of these days may also be favorable for a two-way). Inquire for more information or to schedule a swim:
May 5, 6, 19, 20, 21
June 2, 3, 4, 17, 18, 19, 20
July 1, 2, 16, 17, 18, 30, 31
August 14, 15, 28, 29
September 1, 2, 15, 16, 29, 30
The N2N swim starts in the early morning at a specific time in the tide cycle to capitalize on that assistance, which means there are limited opportunities available each season.
Solo Records
Crossing Number | Name | Nationality | Date | Time | Notes | Observer | Pilot |
1 | Helen Lin | USA | September 7, 2015 | 11:28:25 (first leg 5:06:01) | First, N2N2N (double crossing) Observer's Notes | Kellie Latimer | Chris Sweeney |
2 | Jennifer Downing | USA | August 10, 2023 | 4:05:01 | First, N2N (one-way crossing) Observer's Notes | Kellie Latimer | Dick Osterberg |
3 | Mike Klonsky | USA | September 12, 2024 | 4:34:27 | First male, N2N (one-way crossing) Observer's Notes | Rena Demeo | Jason Navaro |
Historical Footnote
On September 6, 1959, Diane Struble swam a similar route from Nantasket Beach to Revere Beach. The swim, which was recorded as the first on that course, took 13 hours and 24 minutes. The Boston Globe reported that 25,000 spectators turned out to welcome her to shore.
Struble initially gained fame as being the first swimmer to swim the 32-mile length of Lake George, which she completed in August 1958 in a time of 35 hours, 30 minutes. Read more about Diane Struble in this 2018 profile in Outdoor Swimmer magazine
The Boston Globe reported on Struble’s swim throughout the journey and drew a crowd of more than 25,000 people to the beach to see her finish.
Banner photo by Greg O'Connor