Jay Martin

NAME: Jay Martin

HOMETOWN: Epping, NH - Love my Seacoast OWS community in southern NH!


WHY BLS?:  The history of the race! The distance and open water is just enough to intimidate but not overwhelm me so it fits well with where Iā€™m at in my open water journey.

FUN FACT:  I swam 2.4 mile Peaks to Portland race in Maine 6 yrs (in a wetsuit) in the 00ā€™s but assumed that was the limit for sane people (is it?). I seem to be making a transition from ultra running to marathon swimming but hope to combine the two in some fashion in the future. Planning to swim from Isles of Shoals (6.7m) the day after BLS for the second of the 3 Gulf of Maine Lighthouse swims.