Lee Kaplan & Rory Ziv

NAME: Lee Kaplan & Rory Ziv

HOMETOWN: Cape Town, South Africa. Lee now lives in the Boston area and Rory lives in Calgary, AB, Canada.

BLS EXPERIENCE: Lee swam on a 4-person relay in 2022. Rory is a rookie!

WHY BLS? Rory says, β€œLee asked me to do a relay with her after she followed my OWS adventures on FB.”

OUR CREW: We have the capable Lenny Picot and Carrie Dirats as our captains- a husband and wife couple and the amazing Amy Cragen as our crew and cheerleader.


  1. Lee and Rory haven't seen each other since the late 80s.

  2. Lee started scuba diving at age 12 and has a life goal of diving all the oceans and seas in the world.

  3. Rory has trained his dogs to swim with him