Tom Sawyer

NAME: Tom Sawyer

HOMETOWN: I grew up in Westbrook, Maine and now call San Antonio, Texas my home


WHY BLS? This will be my first BLS. And I'm wicked scared! I am new to marathon swimming. I've spent most of my adult life doing triathlons, and I was always a middle of the pack swim finisher. Now I have decided to transition to marathon swimming. I am signed up to do the English Channel in September 2025. Boston Light and my New England home seems like the right place for me.

WHO IS YOUR PILOT AND CREW? My crew will be my wife, Paula. She is an accomplished ultra trail runner. She has done several ultras including a two 100-milers and the Across Florida 200. I have crewed for her for many of those races. So now it's her turn! My boat captain is Vinny Schettino who owns Pointe N Shoot Sport Fishing. He is an experienced BLS boat captain, and I am sure I will come to rely on him!

WHERE ARE YOU SWIMMING FOR YOUR BLS TRAINING? I live in South Texas where it is decidedly NOT cold. So cold water training will be in an ice filled bathtub. My pool is at Life Time Fitness where I love to swim in the outdoor pool. Recently my wife and I went to Maine (unfortunately for my brother's burial) and I was able to swim with Pat Gallant-Charette who is also from Westbrook, Maine. We enjoyed some time in the 54 degree water at Pine Point Beach in Scarborough. Perhaps I'll make another trip there to just get cold.

SWIMMING FUN FACT: I have done five full Ironman triathlons. BUT.... the swim for my the first two were cancelled. My first attempt was at Chattanooga in 2018, but the remnants of a hurricane swept through the southeast and swelled the river. Then at Ironman Ireland in 2019, the seas were too rough that day. Finally, I swam an Ironman swim at Ironman Florida in 2020, and I loved it!

ANYTHING ELSE? My name really is Tom Sawyer. No, it is not a family name. Just my interesting twist of fate.