Mike Garr

NAME: Mike Garr

HOMETOWN: Kingston, RI

BLS EXPERIENCE: 4x relay finishes; Solo Rookie

Mike Garr is a retired Navy Scientist living in Kingston RI with his wife Jeanne (an accomplished Masters Swimmer and retired teacher). Mike took up ocean swimming at Second (Sachuest) Beach in Newport in 1999 and hasn’t stopped since! He has completed 4 BLS relay swims since 2012 with friends from the RI swimming group “Sachuest Ocean Swimmers”  and one 11km “Around Beavertail” swim, a local event he helped originate in 2017. This year’s attempt will be his first BLS solo swim and at age 70, likely the last. He is hoping that 70 is “the new 50” and will be training frequently in Rhode Island waters this summer after acclimation with year round plunge/swims he’s been doing since 2020!