Frequently Asked Questions
What Kind of BOAT is Best?
1. How and when can I sign up for the race?
Due to more demand than our local resources can support, registration for the Boston Light Swim is offered though a lottery system. Lottery registration opens on or about March 1st each year and is typically open for two weeks. We make a random drawing from all eligible entries when the lottery closes in mid-March and will inform all entrants as to your status that same day. We can only accommodate 25 solo swimmers and 6 relays. We will post the registration link to the BLS home page and our Facebook page as soon as it goes live.
To register, you’ll submit your biographical and past swim information to the website and pay a $150 deposit. If you are not selected in the lottery, your deposit will be fully refunded. If you need to pay by check, we can arrange that, but we strongly prefer that you submit your credit card info at the time of application to the lottery. All credit card information is purged from our system once transactions are completed.
2. What do I need to do to qualify for this swim?
Swimmers who have swum the Boston Light Swim in the previous two years are qualified for entry for the current Boston Light Swim. So a swimmer applying for a solo entry in 2025 would be qualified if they participated in the 2023 or 2024 Boston Light Swim as a solo swimmer.
All other swimmers applying for entry must show proof of a long distance, open-water swim of 2.4 miles or greater that was completed within the year prior to the current Boston Light Swim event. Any open water swim event of 2.4 miles or longer will suffice and can be the 2.4-mile swim component of an Ironman distance triathlon, the 4.4-mile Great Chesapeake Bay Swim, the 3-mile or 6-mile event at Kingdom Swim in Vermont or any other organized open water swim event of 2.4 miles or longer.
We will no longer consider swims completed in a wetsuit for qualification, given that the BLS is a nonwetsuit event and swimmers need to be capable of coping with cold water that can sometimes dip below 60 degrees F. The qualifying swim must have been completed within the past year and prior to the day of the current year’s Boston Light Swim event. Therefore, a swimmer applying to swim the Boston Light Swim on August 9, 2024 would need to show proof of a 2.4-mile or longer non-wetsuit swim from the summer of 2022 or complete an event in summer 2023 prior to July 15, 2024.
Relay swimmers who participated as part of a relay in either of the prior two years of the Boston Light Swim are automatically qualified to participate in the current year’s Boston Light Swim. (Participation as a relay swimmer in the Boston Light Swim in the previous two years qualifies you for registration as a relay swimmer, but not a solo swimmer in the current BLS.) All other relay applicants will be required to show proof of a 1-mile or longer non-wetsuit open water swim done within the past year, so a swimmer applying to participate in a relay at the 2024 Boston Light Swim would need to show proof of a 1-mile or longer open water swim from the summer of 2023 or complete an event in summer 2023 by August 9, 2024.
Every swimmer should be able to swim a mile in less than 37 minutes. Because this swim is tidally dependent and because we have a strict 5-hour time limit on the course, swimmers who cannot show proof of a 37-minute-per-mile open water pace will not be offered entry to the swim. (We’re not trying to penalize slower swimmers, honest. It’s because of the tides that you won’t be able to finish the event if you swim at a slower pace than that.)
3. I want to swim a relay, but I don’t have a partner. Can you help?
We recommend that you post your interest on our Facebook page. Lots of past and aspiring Boston Light swimmers are part of that group, and you are likely to find an interested relay partner there. We occasionally field inquiries from swimmers seeking a relay team member, and when we receive these, we typically post them to the Facebook page. Start there, and if we can help further, we will.
4. Why did the fee increase?
In 2024, the fees for the swim will be $550 for solos and $700 for relays. This rise in cost over previous years was necessitated because we have to cover our own insurance costs, additional safety support, and to cover growing inflationary costs. Despite this increase, the Boston Light Swim is still one of the least expensive marathon swims being offered in the United States today. We strive to keep costs down so that everyone who wants to can participate.
The staff of the Boston Light Swim and MOWSA are all volunteers who receive no monetary compensation for their time and efforts related to the Boston Light Swim, the Doty Swim, or any other MOWSA-sanctioned or observed swim events. We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, and any excess funds generated are donated to charitable causes and/or reinvested in our events.
5. How do I find an escort boat?
In past years, we have asked each swimmer to find their own boat, but with 30+ swimmers vying for boats, many of whom come from out of town, the Boston Light Swim Committee has moved to “wrangling” boats in an attempt to provide suggested boaters for all swimmers. While it is ultimately the swimmer’s responsibility to arrange for their boater, we now reach out to our network of boaters before they even put boats in the water for the season to get their commitment to be available to escort a swimmer or relay on race day.
Shortly after we announce the lottery winners, we will begin matching swimmers with a boater with the goal of providing everyone a name and contact info of a boater, and having all swimmers secure their escort boat by May 1. Should you have a relationship with a boater, or get a recommendation for a boater from a previous BLS swimmer, we ask that you let us know as soon as you make arrangements with them so that we do not try to match them with another swimmer.
Please note that due to our agreement with the USCG, we cannot hire the boater for you; you will need to engage with them directly. Your boater will be considered a volunteer for the race, just as you might get a volunteer kayaker for a smaller lake swim. As it is quite a long day on the water, and we would like to encourage our boaters to return year after year, your arrangement with them should include a donation for their time, gas, and use of their equipment.
Again, it is the swimmer’s responsibility to arrange for their boater, so we expect that if we provide a “match,” you reach out to them asap and report back to us when your boat is secured. (Swimmer emails will provide clear instructions on how to do so.)
In the event you are not happy with the boater suggested to you, or you are looking for something in particular, you can always feel free to reach out to the local yacht clubs for your own escort. We have provided some information on local YCs below.
Local Yacht Club Contact Information
Columbia Yacht Club: (617) 269-9831
South Boston Yacht Club:, (617) 268-6132
Boston Harbor Yacht Club:, (617)-269-5641
Dorchester Yacht Club:, (617) 436-1002
Old Colony Yacht Club:, (617) 436-0513
6. What Kind of boat is best?
Most any kind of motorboat can be used to escort you on the Boston Light Swim course, but we’ve found that 15- to 40-foot Boston Whaler style boats tend to work best. You may use a sailboat as your support vessel only if it has a motor—being under sail during the event is not permitted. Your boat MUST have a working marine radio. We broadcast important race information via channel 72.
A few considerations to keep in mind:
A motor that permits your pilot to idle for long periods and drive very slowly to stay with you is paramount, but your boat must also have a motor that’s powerful enough to get you out to the lighthouse in time for the start. Most of the boats that have supported the race in the past can make it from the Boston Harbor Yacht Club to the lighthouse in about 20 to 45 minutes. Anything slower than that could be tight on the start, and we will not wait for you—the tide doesn’t wait and neither can we.
Boats with a bigger keel and deeper draft may have some difficulty navigating shallower areas of the course or loading swimmers at the dock. Swimmers board at low tide, and the depth at the BHYC dock at that time is usually about six feet. If your boat’s draft is deeper, you’ll need to catch a ride out to the light on another boat and transfer once you reach deeper water, which we don’t advise because that makes difficult logistics even more challenging.
Your boat should have a swim step or ladder in case you need to climb aboard, and your pilot must have a marine radio to monitor transmissions about the race and to communicate in the event of an emergency.
A motor that will permit your boater to make it to shore quickly in the event of an emergency is also important.
7. How much does it cost for the escort boat?
The boaters who support the Boston Light Swim are volunteers assisting you because they want to help. But keep in mind that they will be devoting a significant chunk of time to help you achieve your goal, and a voluntary donation to them would be most appreciated. Consider that they’ll be expending gas, their time, and putting wear and tear on the boat. MOWSA recommends a minimum of $550 donation for a boater in 2024.
8. What are the swim rules?
By and large, the Boston Light Swim is governed by generally accepted practices for marathon swims, or "English Channel rules" as laid out by the Marathon Swimmers Federation. Specifically, BLS swimmers must adhere to the following or risk disqualification:
No wetsuits
No Fastskins or high-tech suits; only basic, textile suits are permissible.
Use of only one textile suit that does not:
extend onto the shoulder
extend below the knees (jammers are OK)
provide buoyancy or heat retention
No intentional contact with the boat or another person
Use of only one bathing cap (one will be provided to you)
You may not wear a music player while in the water
Feeding is permitted (and encouraged), and the application of anti-chaffing substances such as zinc oxide lotion, Vaseline, or Channel grease are allowed. (Check with your boater about whether or not these potentially messy substances are permitted on their boat and plan accordingly.)
All swimmers must swim alongside their guide boat. You WILL be disqualified and removed from the race if you are observed swimming behind the boat. This is a safety requirement. Swimmers must keep within 10 to 20 feet of the port or starboard side of the boat. Your boater will be made aware of these rules, too.
There is a strict 5.5 hour time limit on the course. If you have not completed the course by the expiration of time, you must board your escort boat and motor to shore.
All swimmers must be 18 years of age or older.
Rules specific to relay teams
Relay teams (which may be comprised of 2, 3, or 4 swimmers) are governed by the same attire and general rules above, and are permitted to use a ‘helter skelter’ approach to their swims, meaning that swimmers are permitted to switch out as frequently as they want. You may swim in any order you want (and are welcome to mix it up throughout the swim), for any length of distance or time. The only set rule is that your team may not have more than one swimmer in the water at a time, so the swimmer in the water must exit the water when the next swimmer enters the water. Relay teams are encouraged to finish the race as a team (all together across the finish line) and relay team members may jump into the water with the last swimmer when you’re within about 200 yards of the finish.
If for any reason the race is cancelled in advance of the event, you will be notified as soon as possible via email.
If the event has already commenced, we will make radio calls directing boaters to pull their swimmers and head back to shore. We will also send an email and post to social media platforms about this change in event status.
If the race is cancelled, you must return immediately to the dock to return your race flags and check in with event staff. If you do not heed these calls and continue swimming, you will be banned from participating in future MOWSA events.
9. How do I feed, and what should I eat?
If you have to ask, you may not be ready for a big swim like the Boston Light Swim. If you are new to long distance swimming, we recommend you do your research and learn the ropes before attempting a difficult swim like the BLS. The Marathon Swimmer’s Forum is a great resource for current and aspiring swimmers and the CS&PF lists excellent nutrition information on their website. If you have a specific question regarding feeding, contact the BLS Committee at
10. How do I train for this?
Again, if you have to ask, you’re probably not ready for this swim, but we love that you’re thinking about taking the plunge and encourage you to learn, train, and join us in the future. To get you started in long distance swimming, here are some resources you might want to check out:
Dover Solo by Marcia Cleveland
Open Water Swimming by Penny Lee Dean
Open Water Swimming by Steven Munatones
Swimming to Antarctica by Lynne Cox
The Water is Open: A How-To for Marathon Swimming by Jennifer Dutton
Websites and Forums:
If you have a specific question regarding training, the BLS Committee at may be able to help.
11. Why isn’t the swim the same weekend every year? Why do we have to start so early?
The swim used to be held on a Saturday in August, but in recent years the increase in boat traffic in Boston Harbor has led to us moving the swim to a weekday. In 2024, the swim will take place on a Friday, and in 2025, we intend to move the swim to a Wednesday. The exact date and time will also change from year to year depending on the tide. We time the start of the swim to coincide with the incoming tide so swimmers gain the benefit of tidal assistance during the entire swim. Yes, we know the start is painfully early some years, but the added benefit to getting a jump on the early tides is less recreational boat traffic and usually less wind on the course.
12. What are your safety measures?
We strive to make the BLS the safest race you’ll ever swim, and that requires a lot of planning, volunteer assistance, and cooperation from swimmers and their crews.
The first line of defense during the swim is your guide boat. Each solo swimmer and each relay team must have its own boat to assist during the swim. No boat, no swim, no exception. (NOTE: We DO NOT permit multiple swimmers to “double up” and swim with the same guide boat. One boat = one swimmer. This goes for relay teams as well; one boat = one team, with only one swimmer in the water at a time.) We also have at least three “roving” safety boats on the course during the swim. Trained volunteers staff these boats and know what to look for and how to help if a swimmer runs into trouble.
Your crew is also a vital part of the safety plan. Every swimmer must bring at least one support member onboard the boat. You’ll need to work out with your boater how much room they have if you want to bring more than one support crew member. Your crew should monitor you closely for the entirety of the swim to look for signs of hypothermia, the most common reason swimmers need to pull out of the Boston Light Swim.
Signs of hypothermia include shivering, slurred speech, claw-like hands that will not relax, and an inability to follow directions or answer simple questions. Hypothermia is a very serious condition that requires medical attention. Your crew should pull you from the water and radio for help if you display signs of hypothermia.
We also register the swim with the United States Coast Guard, which sends a boat and emergency personnel to monitor the course. They also broadcast information about the swim to other recreational boaters in the area to make them aware of the swim.
In addition, we have Emergency Medical Technicians on the beach to assist swimmers upon the completion of the swim.
We also enforce cutoff times along the course as part of our safety procedures.
Swimmers must be at:
Rainsford Island (42.314433, -70.952067; +42° 18′ 51.96″, -70° 57′ 7.44″) within 2 hours of starting the swim
Long Island (42.309623, -70.974574; +42° 18′ 34.64″, -70° 58′ 28.47″) within 3 hours
Thompson Island (42.322267, -70.998743; +42° 19′ 20.16″, -70° 59′ 55.47″) within 4 hours
At the finish (42.32862, -71.033295; +42° 19′ 43.03″, -71° 1′ 59.86″) within 5.5 hours.
(GPS coordinates are listed in both decimal and degrees/minutes/seconds)
We reserve the right to pull you from the race at these pre-designated points if you are not swimming quickly enough to meet these cutoff times, but will review each situation on a case-by-case basis. The aim is not to penalize slower swimmers, but rather to ensure everyone’s safety.
13. When do I know when to call it quits and who decides when the swim is over?
There are many times and reasons to pull out of a long distance swim, and it’s important that you are aware of what some of these situations are and what to look out for. In the Boston Light Swim, hypothermia is the biggest threat to the swimmer’s successful completion of the race. In recent years, the water temperature out by the lighthouse has been as low as 58 degrees Fahrenheit, which is very cold for most people. Your crew must monitor you during the swim for signs of hypothermia and pull you out if you have trouble.
Swimmers sometimes have problems with shoulder pain, cramping, seasickness, or another medical issue and may have to be removed from the water if they cannot continue. Your crew typically makes the decision to pull you in these instances, but the swimmer may also end the swim.
If sea or weather conditions change or another issue threatens the safe completion of the swim, your pilot has the authority to terminate the swim and remove you from the water. Your guide boat pilot has the final say on whether conditions are unsafe and you must follow their instructions if they tell you the swim is over.
In the event of lightning, we will terminate the swim. All boaters should pull their swimmers and drive them to the Boston Harbor Yacht Club for drop-off.
BLS staff also reserve the right to terminate a swimmer’s race if we believe a swimmer is experiencing a health issue or if we observe any safety issues or rule infractions.
14. Do I need a kayaker?
In the past, we have allowed swimmers to have a kayaker as a secondary safety support measure. However, a kayaker may not be your primary support and we typically do not recommend the use of a kayaker as the logistics of getting the kayak out to the start can be tricky, and the extra vessels on the course could be problematic in the event of an emergency.
15. Where should my family meet me? Can they watch? Can they volunteer?
Yes! Your family can watch the finish of the swim and help you celebrate your big accomplishment. The race ends at the M Street Beach at the Curley Community Center on Columbia Road in South Boston. Please come on down and cheer on the finishers. The fastest swimmers typically finish about two-and-a-half hours after the start, and the slowest swimmers will be finishing just before the 5-hour cutoff time. We encourage you to arrive early to see the exciting finish and cheer on all the swimmers.
Because the Boston Light Swim is a popular event with limited annual slots, we offer current year event volunteers the opportunity to bypass the swimmer selection lottery in the following year as a way of saying thank you for supporting the swim. Because of this incentive, volunteering has also become very popular, and we have instituted a volunteer lottery, 6 official volunteers on the Friday race day to help with set-up, finish line management, and cleanup. These volunteers are also selected by lottery. That lottery typically opens around the same time the swimmer’s lottery closes. If you want to be an official volunteer, keep an eye on our home page and Facebook page for the announcement of when that lottery opens. The lottery will remain open for a week or two, and then we will make a random drawing from all applicants to determine who will be the official volunteers.
If you would like to volunteer but are not interested in claiming one of the official slots in order to bypass the swimmer selection lottery the following year, please contact for more information.
16. What’s the best way to support this event?
Tell your friends about it or consider volunteering for us!
Because the Boston Light Swim is a popular event with limited annual slots, we offer current year event volunteers the opportunity to bypass the swimmer selection lottery in the following year as a way of saying thank you for supporting the swim. Because of this incentive, volunteering has also become very popular, and we have instituted a volunteer lottery, limited to 4 official volunteers on Friday evening (to help with the pre-race safety meeting and dinner) and 4 official volunteers on Saturday (to help with set-up, finish line management, and cleanup). These volunteers are also selected by lottery. That lottery typically opens within in a week or so of the closing of the swimmer’s lottery. If you want to be an official volunteer, keep an eye on our home page and Facebook page for the announcement of when that lottery opens. You’ll register via the MOWSA page and then we will make a random drawing of all applicants to determine the official volunteers for the event. (In order to bypass the following year’s lottery, official event volunteers must meet the requirements of volunteering as part of the event organization group. Crewing for a swimmer does not count as being an event volunteer.)
If you would like to volunteer but are not interested in claiming one of the official slots in order to bypass the swimmer selection lottery the following year, please contact for more information.
17. May I buy extra t-shirts for my crew and family?
Sure! We will have extra T-shirts available for purchase on race day. We also have some shirts from past years, too. Stop by the tent on the beach at the finish line to get yours.
18. What happens after the swim?
We’re glad you asked! We hope you’ll stick around to cheer on all the finishers as they come ashore. BLS veterans repeatedly tell us the welcoming atmosphere on the beach at the finish is one of their favorite aspects of this race. In 2024, we’ll be making some changes regarding post-swim events. Keep and eye on your email for more details to follow.
19. Where should I park?
On-street parking is typically not a problem on the morning of the swim. You can park on Columbia Road all day without issue, but please pay careful attention to posted parking restrictions; some of the areas are designated as “Resident Parking” only and if you do not have a South Boston resident sticker, you will be ticketed and possibly towed. Instead, look for signs designating “Visitor Parking.” Parking on the Friday night before the swim when you arrive for the mandatory safety briefing and pre-race dinner may be trickier, as there is a two-hour limit on most of those visitor spaces after 6pm. We urge you to just pay attention to the signs and move your car as necessary. You can also take public transportation. The 9 and 11 bus lines run through Southie, and the Andrew and Broadway Red Line MBTA stations are within a mile of all the goings on for the Boston Light Swim. And, Uber/Lyft is your friend in Boston these days.
20. Where do I go and when do I need to be there?
In years past, we’ve held a mandatory pre-race briefing meeting for all swimmers at the Curley Community Center beginning at 4 p.m. on the Friday before the race. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, this meeting has moved virtually, and you’ll receive specific instructions via email about when and how to access the safety briefing remotely for future races.
You MUST attend the briefing live or access it in replay prior to competing in the race. This goes for relay swimmers, too. No meeting, no swim, no exceptions.
On-site events kick off with the pre-race dinner at the Boston Harbor Yacht Club at 5 p.m. on the evening prior to the race. You are strongly encouraged to attend so you can meet the other participants and learn about the history of the swim, but the dinner is not a requirement. The dinner typically concludes well before 8 p.m. so you have time to get home or to your hotel to get some rest.
On race day, you must be at the Boston Harbor Yacht Club two hours BEFORE the designated swim start time. You must check-in when you arrive and be marked with your race number. Your boater will meet you at the BHYC dock where you will load up and motor out to the lighthouse. Don’t be late. Seriously. Time and tide wait for no swimmer or boater.
We will send emails ahead of race day indicating exactly what time you need to be at the BHYC on race morning.
21. How long will it take?
The Boston Light Swim takes anywhere from 2.5 to 5.5 hours depending on your pace. Occasionally we have a very fast swimmer who finishes close to 2 hours. There is a 5.5-hour time limit on the course.
22. How do I know where to swim?
We provide all the swimmers and boaters with GPS coordinates of the course. We recommend that your boater set the course and you aim to stay with them, keeping in mind that you are required to swim alongside the boat and may not swim in front of or behind the boat. There is a detailed description and map of the course on the website and you will be provided with a course map.
23. I’m coming in from out of town. Where should I stay? Where should I eat? What should I see while I’m in town?
Boston is an amazing city with lots of attractions and we’re proud to be locals. For those of you who aren’t—welcome! We have lots of recommendations for places to see, stay, and eat.
Because the swim and associated events take place in South Boston, the list of hotels, restaurants and pubs below are limited to South Boston. But should you choose to venture farther afield, you won’t be disappointed—there are many more wonderful places to eat, drink, and sleep throughout the city.
Doubletree Club Hotel Boston Bayside
240 Mt. Vernon Street
Boston, MA 02125
(617) 822-3600
The Doubletree is located about 1 mile south of the finish line, just across Dorchester Bay. Rooms typically go for about $144/night.
Holiday Inn Express Boston Hotel
69 Boston Street
Boston, MA 02125
(877) 863-4780
This hotel is located about 1 mile from the finish, near Route 93. Standard rooms cost about $144/night.
Courtyard Boston-South Boston
63 R Boston Street
Boston, MA 2125
(617) 436-8200
The Courtyard is located about 1 mile from the finish, near Route 93. Standard rooms cost $160/night.
You certainly won’t go hungry here in Boston, which is famous for its seafood. There’s a slew of options in South Boston along Broadway. There’s also a lot of development going on in the Seaport district, which isn’t far from where the BLS events will be held. We recommend checking out the ever-growing range of options there.
Barking Crab
88 Sleeper Street
Boston, MA 02210-1226
(617) 426-2722
Local 149
149 P Street (between 6th Street and Columbia Road)
South Boston, MA
(617) 269-0900
LTK Bar & Kitchen (Part of Legal Seafood)
225 Northern Avenue
Boston, MA 02210
(617) 330-7430
L Street Tavern
658 E 8th St (195 L St), South Boston, MA
(617) 268-4335?
The world famous L Street Tavern is just up the street from the finish line. You may remember it as the hangout featured in the movie “Good Will Hunting.”
Harpoon Brewery
306 Northern Avenue
Boston, MA 02210
Harpoon Brewery churns out lots of tasty Boston beers right here in South Boston. You can take a guided tour followed by a tasting on the weekends:
Saturday 11:30 AM to 4:30 PM (starting every half hour)
Sunday 12:00 noon to 3:00 PM (starting every hour)
Tours last about one hour and cost $5, which includes a souvenir glass. A portion of fee goes to Harpoon Helps, Harpoon’s charitable foundation.
As for the sights, Boston is known for its historical places and there are tons of things to do, but we recommend you try the following for an authentic Boston tourist experience:
Walk the Freedom Trial
Head over to Charlestown and go aboard the oldest commissioned vessel in the world, the USS Constitution
Climb up the Bunker Hill Monument
Take a Duck Tour
Visit the New England Aquarium
Take a boat taxi out to the Boston Harbor Islands, a national park; these are the islands you swim past, so go explore them
Visit Fort Independence on Castle Island just down the street from the finish
Jef Mallett, Mark Howley, Elaine Howley, and Bill Shipp celebrate the completion of another wonderful Boston Light Swim at the L Street Tavern after the 2017 race.