Elaine K. Howley

NAME: Elaine K. Howley


BLS EXPERIENCE: I successfully completed solo swims in 2006, 2007 and 2008. In 2009, I became assistant director of the race, supporting Greg O’Connor in his role as lead director until 2014. (Race directors shouldn’t swim their own event!) From 2015 to 2020, I served as lead director of the race. In 2020, we expanded the leadership team, and I’m still involved with some of the planning and execution of BLS, but now focus most of my volunteer efforts on overseeing MOWSA functions and organizing and observing MOWSA solo swims. In 2010, Greg and I completed a tandem solo Boston Light Double, reviving the swim after 41 years and setting a new course record. In 2022, Kim Garbarino and I completed the first known Boston Light Triple crossing as a tandem, also setting the course record. I am thrilled to be back in the BLS race line-up this year! 

WHO IS YOUR PILOT AND CREW? Capt. Mark Sarofeen and Sheryl Bierden

WHERE ARE YOU SWIMMING FOR YOUR BLS TRAINING? I do most of my pool training at Wayland Community Pool in Wayland, MA (with some additional swimming at Regis College in the winter). I also swim regularly with the Pam’s Pond crew in Lake Cochituate; at the Curley Community Center, M Street Beach, and Pleasure Bay in South Boston; at Nahant Beach; and occasionally in Hull at Nantasket Beach or from Ted’s house.

SWIMMING FUN FACT: I will board a plane a few hours after swimming Boston Light this year to fly to the UK to support three English Channel aspirants and a solo swimmer hoping to cross the North Channel. All four swimmers are BLS veterans!