Jeannie Zappe

NAME: Jeannie Zappe

HOMETOWN: Mechanicsburg, PA


WHY BLS? I have never done BLS, but it's been on my bucket list for some time. Why? It's iconic -- the first open water swim in America! Many friends recommended, and I thought it would be a beautiful swim.

WHO IS YOUR PILOT AND CREW? My crew is Deb Henson, who has crewed for me on all of my Triple Crown swims. She's the best there is. Drew Boujoulian is my pilot.

WHERE ARE YOU SWIMMING FOR YOUR BLS TRAINING? I largely train in a pool, but have some open water training coming up in Hammonassett, CT, and doing cold water training in tub and cold open water.

SWIMMING FUN FACT: I completed the Triple Crown in 2022 at age 56. I did some training in Boston prior to the English Channel and was very grateful for the stormy, nasty, rainy, cold day I trained at Plum Island (with Greg O'Connor and Martha Wood!)... it prepared me well for the Channel!

ANYTHING ELSE? I'm very excited to participate in this historical swim and grateful for the opportunity!